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VA Emergency Department Relocation

VA Emergency Department Relocation

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Client Veterans Administration

Location East Orange, NJ

A new state-of-the-art emergency
department to meet the VA’s mission of patient-centered care.

We assisted the VA in locating the new E.D. by identifying a feasible location within the existing hospital building whose tenants could be relocated, thus freeing up space for construction to allow the existing E.D. remain in operation. We also extended the building footprint by 2,550sf with a single floor addition to accommodate the VA’s program. The project included re-grading and new access drives for ambulance and patient drop-off.

an axon rendering of the entrance to the Emergency Department
reception area
hallway with views into patient rooms

Project highlights include:

  • Open nursing and documentation stations form the core of the E.D. to support improved staff circulation and collaboration as well as direct views to patients.
  • 19 patient exam/treatment rooms, including specialized rooms for trauma/ resuscitation, OB/Gyn, small procedures, decontamination, and infection containment.
  • Design at all scales addresses security and safety concerns.
  • Contiguous staff support area including offices, staff lounge and conference room, puts staff within easy access of the E.D.
waiting room
an axon rendering of the entrance to the Emergency Department