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Navy Yard Bariatric Clinic

Navy Yard Bariatric Clinic

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Client Jefferson Health

Location Philadelphia, PA

Scope 3,400 SF

As Philadelphia’s Navy Yard continues to develop, Jefferson Health sought to relocate an existing bariatric surgery clinic to its new campus in the historic riverfront neighborhood.

This project relocated and expanded an outpatient bariatric surgery clinic to a new location in the Navy Yard. The project was delivered as a fast track, design-build model as part of a larger effort to enable other practices to relocate on the Jefferson campus. Included in this project were:

  • Five bariatric rooms
  • Reception and waiting area
  • Consult and telehealth rooms
  • Staff and patient support rooms
reception and waiting area

In establishing the program and layout, the design team strove to balance clinical needs while providing the greatest number of exam rooms and an eye towards future growth. Staff touchdown workspaces are flexible for use as in-person consult rooms or for telehealth. To provide the best patient experience possible, special care was taken to provide an accommodating experience for patients of size through ample circulation space, clearances, and focal natural light.

hallway with sliding doors to exam rooms