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In the News | Made-to-order flour tortillas are the center of Taco Heart | Philadelphia Inquirer


December 20, 2022

The Philadelphia Inquirer covered the opening of our project, the Texan taco restaurant, Taco Heart!

“Nano Wheedan, 42, who literally wears Taco Heart patches on his sleeve, and whose wedge-shaped building in Bella Vista is covered with a colorful heart-themed mural straight out of a Care Bears cartoon, is clearly passionate about his aspiration to become Philly’s breakfast taco evangelist and, by extension, an advocate for made-to-order flour tortillas.”

Craig LaBan of the Inquirer goes on to review the tacos, and we can attest to how good the tacos are! Ever since Taco Heart opened, we have been having a regular supply delivered to our office. Needless to say, we congratulate Nano on his restaurant’s opening and we are excited to see what he does next.

Read the full article here.

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